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Self-Conscious About the Look of Your Penis? Ventral Phalloplasty Genital Contouring Can Help

For better or for worse, your penis is a symbol of your manhood, quite literally. With that word “manhood,” however, come a number of perceived implications, such as power, virility, and strength. To better portray your masculinity, we offer ventral phalloplasty genital contouring, which brings out the most in your penis.

As specialists in men’s health, Dr. Robert Cornell and our team understand that aesthetics matter when it comes to penis size. We also understand that certain tissues can hide the true length and size of your penis, which is where our genital contouring comes in.

If you’re self-conscious about the look of your penis, here’s a look at how we can help.

More to it than meets the eye

Jokes about cold water aside, the size and shape of your penis is influenced by a number of factors, including how much skin you have in the area.

More specifically, one of the biggest complaints is the excessive scrotal tissue that stretches up the underside of the shaft, essentially hiding the true shape and size of your penis.

Revealing the reality

With our ventral phalloplasty genital contouring, our goal is to remove some of your scrotal tissue to reveal more of your penis, providing a visual impression of a larger penis.

At the same time, we can also improve the look of your scrotal sac, making it tighter and more delineated.

Contouring your genitals

During our initial consultation, we examine the triangular piece of tissue that attaches your scrotal sac to your penis. If we find that there’s room for improvement, we review your health and schedule your ventral phalloplasty.

When you come in, we place you under general anesthesia so that we can perform the gential contouring. During this procedure, Dr. Cornell removes the excess tissue and pulls the skin taut, carefully suturing the two ends together.

Once you wake up, and we’re satisfied that everything went well, we send you home (please arrange for a ride) with complete aftercare instructions. These instructions primarily include tips for keeping your incision clean, as well as recommendations for getting back to normal activities. Rest assured, we’re available to you if you have any questions

If you follow our instructions to the letter, your incision should heal quickly, allowing you to proudly show off your more pronounced and well-contoured genitals.

If you’d like to learn more about how our ventral phalloplasty genital contouring can make your penis appear larger, please contact our office in Houston, Texas, to set up a consultation.

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