5 Signs of Urinary Tract Infections in Men

Due to the fact that more than half of women get a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in their lives and that the fairer sex outpaces men by 30 to 1 when it comes to these infections, many people believe that men are immune to UTIs. Not so. While urinary tract infections may not be nearly as common in men, they can and do strike.
As a men’s health specialist, board-certified urologist Dr. Robert J. Cornell sees his fair share of urinary tract infections in men at our practice in Houston, Texas. As with any infection, early detection is important so we can keep the infection contained, and this is certainly true of UTIs.
So, in this month’s blog post, we’re going to focus on some of the more common warning signs of UTIs in men.
Men and UTIs — what we want you to know
The reason why men aren’t as vulnerable to lower urinary tract infections as women is one of simple anatomy. The urethra in men is much longer, which means bacteria need to travel further to reach the bladder.
While this anatomical difference can greatly lower your risk of developing a UTI, it certainly doesn’t eliminate it. Men can develop infections in their lower urinary tracts just as women do — in their bladders (cystitis) and in their urethras (urethritis).
If these infections travel further upward, it can lead to ureter and kidney infections, which are more serious and often more uncomfortable.
UTIs are far more common in older men, especially after the age of 50, due to a higher incidence of enlarged prostate, which can trap urine in the bladder. Other issues that may lead to UTIs in older men include:
- Kidney stones
- Bladder stones
- Prostatitis (inflammation in the prostate)
- Diabetes
- Functional issues, such as not drinking enough water or not urinating often enough
While older men are more vulnerable to UTIs, young men can also get them. In many cases, UTIs in younger men are due to sexual activity, which can introduce bacteria.
Common warning signs of UTIs in men
UTIs in men can be more subtle. You may not experience any symptoms until the infection spreads or becomes severe. Still, UTIs in men can make themselves known in several different ways, including:
- Trouble urinating
- Burning pain while urinating
- Sudden urges to urinate
- Blood in your urine
- Lower abdomen pain
If the infection spreads or worsens, you can experience fever, chills, fatigue, and difficulty urinating.
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important that you come to see us as soon as possible. After some quick lab tests, including a urinalysis, we can determine whether there’s an infection, and if so, get you set up with a course of antibiotics that should clear the issue.
For expert diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections in men, we invite you to contact our office to schedule an appointment.
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