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3 Tips for Adjusting to Life With a Penile Implant

You've been struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED) for some time now and the problem isn’t responding well to treatments. You’re in very good company. More than half of men in the United States experience ED, and about one million of them could benefit from a penile implant.

Despite a very high satisfaction rate of about 90%, however, only 20,000 implants are performed annually.

Here at our practice, leading men’s health expert Dr. Robert J. Cornell understands just how well penile implants work, and he’s been helping men to improve their sex lives with these devices for years.

If you want to join this satisfied group, read on to learn how to make the experience even better with these adjustment tips.

1. Practice makes perfect

We offer two types of penile implants:

  1. A bendable, non-inflatable implant
  2. An inflatable implant

No matter which one you opt for, once you’ve healed well (usually 4-6 weeks) and we’ve given you the greenlight for use, we recommend that you practice using your new implant outside of sex so that you’ve got the practice down pat.

The bendable implant is very easy — you simply manipulate your penis into an erect position. Still, it’s best to practice this beforehand so that you can make it one smooth movement.

Practice is even more important for the inflatable implants as you need to access a pump in your scrotum to inflate and deflate the cylinders inside your penis.

After a few practice sessions outside of sex, you’ll be ready and confident when the time comes.

2. Discussing your implant … or not

The decision to call attention to your implant is entirely yours to make. We’ve found that patients who are in relationships have found the adjustment process goes much easier when the partner is involved. In fact, many patients report that using the implant is part of the sexual experience as the partner learns how to operate the device.

If, however, you don’t have a steady partner, it’s a good idea to have a plan in place for when you meet people and engage in intercourse. You can subtly operate your implant without the other person knowing or, if you feel comfortable, share the information.

It’s just something to think about as you move forward with your new penile implant.

3. It’s still your penis

Lastly, we want to underscore the fact that your penis is still your penis, as well as everything else about your sex life. You should view your penile implant as you would a brace for your knee — it’s simply there to provide support.

Everything else — your arousal, your sensations, ejaculation — are all yours and shouldn’t change because of the penile implant. In other words, don’t let the presence of the implant change anything other than the fact that you’re now able to put ED in the rearview mirror.

If you have more questions about adjusting to life with a penile implant, we suggest that you contact our office in Houston, Texas, to schedule an appointment.

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